Society of Jewish Science Kabbalat Shabbat 4/26/24 – 7pm

Passover 2024

This week, Shabbat falls in the middle of Passover (which is celebrated from April 22 to April 30 2024).  This is one of the three times a year that we are to ingather, commune, and celebrate.  We commemorate the birth of the Hebrews as a people establishing their covenant with G-d.  

We tell the story of the Exodus as we celebrate our freedom from slavery.  We rid our homes (and diets for the week) of chametz, and have a Seder where we recline, eat bitter herbs, dip vegetables in salt water, identify four types of children, have children ask four questions, drink four cups of wine, and of course eat matzah.

This is all meaningful and very symbolic.  Is there a deeper meaning hidden in Passover?  Does it apply to us today in 2024?  What does Jewish Science have to say about Passover?  Come join us and let’s get into it!

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