Society of Jewish Science Kabbalat Shabbat 8/30/24 – 7pm

Parshat Re’eh 2024

This week’s Torah portion is “Re’eh and is found in Deuteronomy 11:26.  Here Moses tells the people of Israel to Re’eh to “see, look, realize, know or consider” that he has placed before them “a blessing and a curse.”  The blessing they will experience when they fulfill G‑d’s mitzvot and the curse if they ignore them.  Moses explains that G-d is giving us a choice between “Life or Death”, “Blessings or Curses.”

This Torah portion also explains “that G-d will choose to make dwell His name” in the place where the Holy Temple is built and sacrifices and tithes are to be offered.  Also, a false prophet or anyone who causes one to worship idols is commanded to be put to death and as well as an idolatrous city is to be destroyed.  We are also obligated to give charity to a needy person and all loans and indentured servants are set free on the sabbatical year.

  • Here we are told to choose between “life or death”, “blessings or curses.”  If G-d knows everything, such as telling Moses that the Israelites will fall away and worship idols, then do we really have Free Will?

  • Also, if everything within a Torah portion is related, then what does choosing between “blessings and curses” have to do with establishing the Holy Temple, a false prophet and idolatrous city, giving charity, and freeing indentured servants during the sabbatical year? How does this relate to us in our daily lives and our spiritual walk?

  • Come join us and let’s get into it!

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