Makor’s Society Kabbalat Shabbat Hybrid Service (in person or on Zoom) Friday night, January 12, 2024 – 6:30PM


This week’s Parshah, “Va’era,” means “and I appeared.” G-d tells Moses that he had also revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and established his covenant with them. The L-rd explains that after hearing the suffering of the Hebrew’s slavery in Egypt, he will employ the “four expressions of redemption.” He will take the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, redeem them with great judgments, take the Hebrews to be His people, and be their G-d (with the culmination occurring at Mt. Sinai). The L-rd also said he would bring the Hebrews to the land He promised to the Patriarchs as their eternal heritage. Moses told all of this to the people of Israel; “but they listened not to Moses because of their discouraged spirits, and because of the cruel slavery.” (Exodus 6:9)

In Jewish Science, we believe that G-d is acutely aware of our suffering and that He offers us redemption. We also believe that G-d allows us to experience life challenges and difficulties purposefully for our growth. However, what does Jewish Science recommend we do when we experience “discouraged spirits” like the Hebrews who were in slavery? Please come this Friday night and join the discussion!

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